

Tax Freedom Resolution helps you resolve your tax debt with little to no effort!

Are you experiencing such extreme tax trouble that it feels unmanageable? Are you so swamped with back taxes that you don’t know where to begin? Is the IRS sending threatening letters?

The experts at Tax Freedom Resolution will help you find the best and easiest way to relieve your tax worries. With nearly 30 years of tax resolution experience, we help save taxpayers time and money when it comes to navigating intimidating tax issues. We guarantee an easy, 3-step process that will assess your taxes owed and find the best tax solution for you and your finances.

What is Tax Resolution?

Tax resolution helps taxpayers find relief from taxes they owe to the IRS. This includes tough negotiating and a tax relief expert working on your behalf. Negotiating with the IRS can be tough and may even feel impossible. For that reason, it’s best to let our trained professionals deal with it for you.

No matter your financial circumstances or reason for taxes owed, the IRS does not care. They want their money, and they want it now. If this is the unfortunate situation you have found yourself in, don’t worry! Our tax resolution experts will help you navigate these turbulent waters and get you back to smooth sailing.

Don’t Be the Victim of Tax Collectors

Did you know that in 2018, the IRS sent out over 100 million automated notices, and the majority of them were in error? That means countless taxpayers received warning from the IRS saying they had money due, when they did not! Others received notices with incorrect amounts, while the rest are harassed for amounts that they simply cannot pay.

If you this is happening to you, you need a professional—now. You need someone who will work for you and negotiate with the IRS on your behalf. You need someone who will create a tax resolution plan that is right for you and your finances, and will help set you on the path to a more secure financial future.


Tax Consultation

In addition to providing tax relief, we also advise people on their current tax situation to help them strengthen their finances. We offer consultation services on tax delinquency, back taxes, and current taxes.

Tax Settlement

Pay off your debt now in one lump sum or set up manageable monthly installments. This is often the cheapest option and tax collectors will sometimes allow us to get a reduction in your debt.

Tax Negotiation

We negotiate with the IRS or state tax collection agency on your behalf. Our skills and expertise help negotiate a payment plan that is right for you. Additionally, we may even be able to reduce the amount that you owe.

Tax Resolution

There are many possible tax resolution options available in which to solve tax debt. Our experts help find the best option for you.

How We Help You

How do we help you with tax relief? Simple: we have a 3-step process that is designed to help you resolve your tax issues quickly.

Analyze your case

Call us today for immediate help or set up a consultation according to your schedule.

Present You with Relief Options

We sit down with you to determine where you’re at financially, what the IRS claims you owe them and how we can help.

Resolve your case

We get to work solving your tax problems with minimal effort on your end. We will provide regular updates and advice to help you along this path.

The Top 5 Tax Resolution

Filing Back Taxes

Before we start working on your taxes owed, we must ensure you are up to date on all tax filings. If you have lapsed in your taxes for a year or more, we will help you file these taxes immediately, so that we can get you started on a more stable, secure financial future.

Offer in Compromise

Offer In Compromise allows taxpayers to dispute the amount of taxes that they owe. Disputes can claim that the amount owed is wrong or received in error (Doubt as Liability), cannot be paid due to hardship (Doubt as to Collectability), or it is unjust (Effective Tax Administration).

Installment Plans

Installment plans allow you to set up gradual payments to the IRS to resolve your taxes owed. This gives you a long period of time to payback the IRS. Typically, installment plans can last anywhere between 72 to 84 months.

Partial Pay Installment Agreement

If a taxpayer can prove they are unable to pay back the full amount of taxes owed, it is possible to find relief in lower regular installments. This will be over a shorter amount of time than a regular installment plan, but with lower payments, the overall amount you will pay back will be less.

Penalty Abatement/Removal

Did you know that you can receive fines on top of your taxes owed? The longer you take to pay back your taxes, the more fines you’ll receive, and thus the more you will owe! To break this vicious cycle, it is possible to get your penalty fines removed. This is not only preferable for you, but also for the IRS if it will help you pay back what you owe sooner.

Want to know more? Call us today. Let us create the tax resolution plan that is right for you!